Dreamland | Kate Grigg | Ingram Gallery




January 20 - February 8 . 2007
Kate Grigg Dreamland

Kate Grigg Albert Street Kate Grigg Nocturne

Kate Grigg Powelly Street


I'd like to be the Johnny Cash of painters - poised between dark and light, strong, vulnerable; with a voice as pure and haunting as the whistle of a train.

-Kate Grigg


Kate Grigg - 2021 - New works
Kate Grigg - 2020 - New works
Kate Grigg - 2019 - New works
Kate Grigg - 2018 - Works
Kate Grigg - 2016 - Watercolours
Kate Grigg - 2014 - New works
Kate Grigg - 2013 - The Dreaming Street
Kate Grigg - 2010 - Song of Myself
Kate Grigg - 2007 - Dreamland
Kate Grigg - 2006 - New works
Kate Grigg - 2005 - My Mariposa
Kate Grigg - 2004 - The Heart of the Matter
Kate Grigg - 2003 - Foolish Heart


24 Hazelton Avenue Toronto Canada T.416.929.2220