Nicholas Hornyansky | Ingram Gallery



Nicholas Hornyansky Ingram Gallery


Artist: Nicholas Hornyansky | Closing Time

Closing Time 8 x 9.25 aquatint



Artist: Nicholas Hornyansky | Armouries, University Ave. Toronto

Armouries, University Ave. Toronto, 5 x 6.5 aquatint ed. 1/75



Artist: Nicholas Hornyansky | Old St. Stephens on Bellevue

Old St. Stephens on Bellevue 7.25 x 5.5 aquatint


From Nicholas Hornyansky's "The Main Etching Processes"

The print comprises the tendencies of constructiveness and simplicity, the strive for the essential, the clarity in rythym and in composition...

Through the filter of these transmitting media the artistic idea is led to purity: keeping to the essential brings symbolism and abstract meaning into the work and a "philosophy of etching" becomes existant. This is precisely why intaglio hand prints are considered to be the most intellectual and spiritual expressions of art.



Artist: Nicholas Hornyansky | Roses

Roses 8.5 x 7 aquatint


Nicholas Hornyansky - Works
Nicholas Hornyansky - Toronto
Nicholas Hornyansky - University of Toronto
Nicholas Hornyansky - Ottawa
Nicholas Hornyansky - Ontario
Nicholas Hornyansky - Vignettes
Nicholas Hornyansky - Montreal
Nicholas Hornyansky - Quebec
Nicholas Hornyansky - Nova Scotia
Nicholas Hornyansky - British Columbia
Nicholas Hornyansky - 2006 - Solo Exhibition


24 Hazelton Avenue Toronto Canada T.416.929.2220